Say “death” and the whole room freezes—
even the couches stop moving,
even the lamps.
Like a squirrel suddenly aware it is being looked at.
Say the word continuously,
and things begin to go forward.
Your life takes on
the jerky texture of an old film strip.
Continue saying it,
hold it moment after moment inside the mouth,
it becomes another syllable.
A shopping mall swirls around the corpse of a beetle.
Death is voracious, it swallows all the living
Life is voracious, it swallows all the dead.
Neither is ever satisfied, neither is ever filled,
each swallows and swallows the world.
The grip of life is as strong as the grip of death.
(but the vanished, the vanished beloved, o where?)
By Jane Hirshfield
photo by flickr
Αγαπητό dark flow,
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήΘα κρατήσω από το ποίημα το "... grip of life.." και να πω ότι το φθινόπωρο αρχίζει και έχει και αυτό τις ομορφιές του στον αέναο κύκλο της ζωής.
Να είσαι καλά:)
καλό βράδυ
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